Kaopiz New Graduates Celebration: A Launchpad for Success

Kaopiz New Graduates Celebration: A Launchpad for Success

To congratulate and motivate its new graduates, Kaopiz celebrated a meeting on July 24, honoring those who completed their studies between July 2023 and June 2024.

Graduating from university is a significant milestone for new graduates. Hence, choosing Kaopiz as the first destination on this new path is a valuable opportunity for them to bring their knowledge and resilience to the company.

New Graduates Receiving Congratulations from CEO Le Van Hoang

At the ceremony, Le Van Hoang, CEO of Kaopiz, extended his heartfelt congratulations to the graduates. He emphasized that Kaopiz is committed to providing maximum opportunities for individuals to learn and develop their skills. Therefore, this commitment serves as a launchpad for their future career success.

Additionally, on behalf of the over 30 new graduates, Mai Anh Tien, a programmer, expressed his joy and pride during the event. “Kaopiz is the first company where I interned and the first place I joined after university. I am immensely grateful to all the seniors who have supported me throughout my learning journey. I also thank the leadership for providing opportunities and assistance that have enabled me to gain experience and grow in my career,” shared Mai Anh Tien.

Mai Anh Tien Representing the New Graduates at the Ceremony

Congratulations to the new graduates of Kaopiz on reaching this important milestone. As you step into a future filled with opportunities, remember to maintain your spirit of progress and eagerness to learn. Together, let’s conquer new heights!

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