
Mobile App
Tabekifu – Food Donation Support Platform
A platform aiming to reduce food loss and contribute to the less fortunate worldwide.
Food is sold through the iOS app, and the management interface oversees stores, products, users, and orders.
Key Features
- Food sales through the iOS app
- Credit card payments
- Management interface for store operations
- Headquarters management interface
- Website for app introduction
Number of Users
200 people
Contract scope
Requirements Definition
Basic Design
Detail Design
Operation and Maintenance
App (iOS), Management Interface (PC), Website (Responsive)
Server and others
Sakura Rental Server
Development language
PHP(Laravel), VueJS, HTML/CSS, Swift
Development scale/Duration
22 person-months / (10 people × 3 months) (Peak Time)
Contract type
1 Project Manager/Business Analyst (PM/BA), 2 iOS Developers, 5 PHP Developers, 2 Testers