Building clinic management system on AWS Cloud: Challenges & Solutions

Building clinic management system on AWS Cloud: Challenges & Solutions

About project

The purpose of the project is to create an application that connects patients with clinics to provide healthcare services in an easy and convenient manner.

In addition to serving staff and patients, the system features events to promote and attract more users.


The large and continuously fluctuating number of users is a challenge for us. Customers want to optimize system setup costs and avoid high expenses for maintenance and management while still meeting performance requirements and avoiding resource waste. Traditional solutions find it difficult to satisfy the customers' requirements.


Although 'serverless' computing does take place on servers, developers never have to deal with the servers. They are managed by the vendor. This can reduce the investment necessary in DevOps, which lowers expenses, and it also frees up developers to create and expand their applications without being constrained by server capacity.

Building clinic management system on AWS Cloud

Therefore, to meet the needs and address the challenges of our customers, we have chosen to deploy the system on AWS, utilizing the following services:
- The VPC service ensures that the system's resources are placed in a private network environment, restricting access from unauthorized sources on the Internet.
- The NAT Gateway service allows resources in private subnets to send requests to the Internet.
- The S3 bucket service stores front-end static files, and CloudFront helps cache these files at edge locations globally. This allows users to access the website quickly with low latency.
- The Lambda service optimizes resource usage on AWS, operating based on the number of system requests.
- The ECS service functions as a container runtime environment, hosting a Worker server for managing background tasks, such as data synchronization and saving to the data warehouse.
- The Aurora serverless database service ensures high availability and performance.


Since deploying the system on AWS, there have been numerous benefits, helping meet customer requirements, saving time and personnel costs, while ensuring high availability, security, and stable performance for the project.
- Meeting customer needs are our top priority. By building a serverless system on AWS, we no longer worry about system operation and maintenance. Costs have significantly decreased compared to traditional server-based systems, helping save time and personnel costs.
- Deploying a serverless system on AWS across 2 Availability Zones allows for traffic distribution, ensuring that the application is always available and minimizing downtime.
- AWS provides tools and security services to protect the system and data. Features such as IAM allow for managing access rights to AWS services, VPC creates a private network for the project, and Security Groups restrict IP addresses and ports allowed to access the system. Deploying on AWS ensures that user data and information are securely protected.
- Stable Performance and User Experience: By deploying the system on AWS, it operates stably with no downtime. Lambda functions automatically adjust the number based on user traffic, ensuring a smooth user experience.
- AWS provides the CloudWatch service, allowing System Administrators to easily monitor and oversee the system. CloudWatch offers insights into resource usage of Lambda functions, databases, and other services, facilitating quick detection and resolution of issues.

Looking for high-quality AWS-related support services? Feel free to reach out to Kaopiz!

Are you seeking high-quality support services related to AWS, such as design, deployment, system management, and migration to AWS? Contact Kaopiz - one of the AWS Partner Network (APN) consulting partners.

With our team of experienced staff and AWS certifications, Kaopiz promises to provide optimal solutions to meet the needs of our customers. We offer the following services:
- AWS System Design: Designing an optimized AWS model that fits the customer's requirements.
- AWS System Deployment: Assisting customers in deploying AWS systems quickly and accurately.
- AWS System Management: Providing AWS system monitoring services to minimize downtime and optimize performance.
- AWS Migration Support: To support customers who want to leverage the strengths of the cloud, such as cost savings in infrastructure, increased system high availability and reliability, improved performance, and flexible scalability, we offer fast and secure migration services from on-premises to AWS.
With Kaopiz's support, which gives consumers the reassurance in deploying and managing their AWS systems. Contact us for more detailed information about Kaopiz's services.



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